Natural Disaster Preparedness

Are you and your family prepared for a natural disaster?
To bring awareness to the importance of being prepared, FEMA and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated September as National Preparedness Month. Since 2004, FEMA has used the month of September to highlight the importance of being prepared and the steps you should take to protect yourself and family.
Do you have a plan for what you and your family will do should a natural disaster strike your home or area?
Whether it is a natural or man-made disaster, wherever you live is susceptible to some form of disaster. Hurricanes, tornados, blizzards, earthquakes, fires, and even volcanos can create natural disasters in the United States. Man-made disasters can take the form of chemical releases and explosions. Regardless of the type of disaster, the impact on your family can be significant should a disaster strike. It is for this reason that being prepared is so important. Your family’s emergency plan is the key to taking control during the disaster to minimize its impact.
Build Your Emergency Kit
Make a Plan
Prepare Your Pets